5th Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning

Vienna, 8th-10th October 2000


* * * TOPICS * * * PARTICIPANTS * * * PROGRAMME * * * INFO * * *


The CD-ROM contains the list of participants and the contributions of the 5th Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning, Kuffner-Observatory Vienna, 8th-10th October 2000. It is send to all participants before the workshop so that they can study its content beforehand. In this way we will have more time available for discussions at the meeting.

In Europe the shortage of physicists is increasing drastically leading to a crisis in recruiting appropriate experts in industry, schools, universities and research institutions. The main reason of this trend is the bad image physics has obtained in the public in recent years. In order to attract young people to physics it is of utmost importance - among other initiatives - to use modern information and communication technologies (ICT) like multimedia and web-based lectures in physics education. Most of the younger generation is open-minded and enthusiastic about the use of ICT in schools and universities. This advantage should therefore be used extensively also in physics education. At the same time pupils, students, school teachers and university professors can profit from the experience of using ICT-methods and are better prepared for many tasks connected with ICT in our modern society.

In the 5th Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning, Kuffner-Observatory Vienna, 8th-10th October 2000 the participants will present modern developments, projects and initiatives for ICT in physics education. Also during the meeting discussions about more general aspects, needs, problems, technical and financial constraints, didactical and pedagogical aspects, future directions, etc. of ICT in physics education will take place. Hopefully this workshop will give a further impact to a change in physics education leading to more and better educated physicists that have also an improved background in ICT.

Heinz Oberhummer


* * * TOPICS * * * PARTICIPANTS * * * PROGRAMME * * * INFO * * *

Stefan Haslinger, August 10th, 2000