Selection of reviews in physics research

   Prof. Jodl and his research group - in cooperation with colleagues - have contributed several reviews on special topics in the field of optical solid state spectroscopy (e. g. matrix isolation, crystal growth, high pressure and molecular crystals).

   For example, reviews on fundamental issues, like

  • Raman Spectroscopy on Matrix Isolated Species,
    - H. J. Jodl, in: Vibrational Spectra and Structure; J. R. Durig (Editor); Elsevier Scientific Pub. Comp. Amsterdam 1984;

and reviews on individual molecular species, like

  • Solid Oxygen
    - Yu. A. Freiman and H. J. Jodl, Elementary Excitations in Solid Oxygen, Low Temp. Phys. (Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur)
    28 (2002) 491ff;
    - Yu. A. Freiman and H. J. Jodl, Solid Oxygen, Physics Reports 401 (2004) 1-228 [manuscript as pdf, citations Google Scholar];
    - Yu. A. Freiman, H. J. Jodl and Y. Crespo, Solid Oxygen Revisited, Physics Reports (2018) [manuscript as pdf]

  • Solid Sulfur
    - B. Eckert and R. Steudel; Molecular Spectra of Sulfur Molecules and Solid Sulfur Allotropes, Topics in Current Chemistry 231 (2003) 31-97 [TOC pdf, link to Google books];
    - R. Steudel and B. Eckert; Solid Sulfur Allotropes, Topics in Current Chemistry 230 (2003) 1-79 [TOC pdf, link to Google books]

have been published.