Essential Guidelines for Writing Physics Animation Software - A Tested Approach

by Andrej Likar

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana & J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia

The author possesses a many-year experience in teaching introductory physics courses at the university level and has developed a collection of animated sequences serving as a real-time teaching aid. The collection consists of about 300 short sequences, covering different topics from mechanics, thermo-dynamics, electricity and magnetism and modern physics. They were written as short programs in FORTRAN and run on PC platforms under the DOS operating system. All of them have been thoroughly tested both regardind their pedagocical functionality and impact, as well as physical content and technical impeccability. They form a basis for a similar collection aimed at high school physics teaching, which has found widespread use in Slovenia. Selected sequences will be presented along with the authors comments on the principles applied in their development and the general guidelines he found useful in this respect.

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