Learningware for a Quantum Physics Course and additional applications

by Toon Van Hoecke, Josephina Lenaerts, Willem Wieme

University of Gent, Center for Research and Innovation in Physics Education Krijgslaan 281, B-9000 Gent, Belgium

Network-enabled instruction based on a WWW implementation has been integrated with Peer Instruction in an innovative learning environment for a Quantum Physics course in a traditional university setting as part of an investigation into student's understanding and the impact of technology on science instruction and learning. The material has been tested (200 engineering students) and evaluated through surveys and specially designed tests. The results are overall positive: the use of new technologies can prepare students for better learning during their graduate studies and their professional life.

The WEB component has been specifically designed for this project and could be equally well adopted for distance learning. Only generally available software tools were used. The system is driven by a database structure in a FileMaker Pro implementation. This database is easily adaptable to widely differing needs, as instructors can upload appropriate material (text, multimedia, applets, tests etc.) for each specific student group. The project is available at: http://physics.rug.ac.be/fysica.

Next to Quantum Physics, other physics courses are being implemented. An important issue is the student's preparation of practical exercises at home. Multimedia gives students a better insight, even before they actually see the real setup. In this scope a new physlet simulating electric circuits is developed in co-operation with Wolfgang Christian (Davidson College). Examples of the applet are available at: http://cripe03.rug.ac.be/circuit/.

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