Report on MuPhy

by Helmut Hilscher

Universität Augsburg, Germany

MuPhy (Multimedia Physics Text-book) is not a conventional text-book with multimedia additions but rather a collection of teaching and learning materials related to certain physics topics. It is intended to be a teachers´ aid for the preparation of lessons. Instead of being forced during the preparation to consult books, journals, encyclopedia, audiovisual media, manuals and other ressources which are to be found at home, in libraries or various public institutions, the teacher has all kind of information and data at his/her disposal on mouse click. In this sense MuPhy constitutes the attempt to develop some sort of (school) physics data base which could be integrated into a larger general science data base on a central server for natural science teachers. The topic oriented and didactically prepared data can be used as subject matter information material for the teacher and/or as learning material for students. It is up to the teacher how to use the material components and how to incorporate them into the learning invironment.

MuPhy´s conceptual basis and the program design was developed in 1995/96 by Axel Möller, a physics teacher student, and me. Since then various chapters in mechanics, heat and energy sources and environmental problems were elaborated and enriched with multimedia data (text, historical information, pictures, video clips, sound documents, simulations, (interactive) animations, problems and experimental exercises, games and methodological hints). Till now the MuPhy project is not spon­sored. The work is done by physics teacher students within the framework of their examination thesises. Progress depends on students´ motivations and skills. During the last couple of years the number of physics students has dramatically decreased in Germany, a fact which effectively slowed down the project´s advancement.

The actual version of MuPhy consists of a set of hypermedia text books with some chapters partially completed and a media CD-ROM which contains pictures and videoclips. MuPhy can be downloaded as a test version from my homepage ( ). The MuPhy site also contains an order form for the media CD-ROM.

The presentation at the 5th Workshop is restricted to the general structure of MuPhy and to some typical examples out of the existing books.

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