Multimedia Collaborative Content Creation
How we can make the best use of each other's work

by Wolfgang Bauer, Walter Benenson, Gerd Kortemeyer, Gary Westfall

Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

There are several ways to create a course package online. The first one is to write an entire course from scratch. This is not recommended, because it can take years of work to generate a competitive product. The second way is to simply buy a complete course package from a publisher or other online vendor. While this is quick, it is also not satisfying, because it does not give us the freedom of creative expression, one of the main reasons we chose the teaching profession.

We would like to advocate a best-of-both-worlds kind of approach, an approach we have named "Multimedia Collaborative Content Creation". As a proof of concept, we have developed the MSU lectureOnline system. This system is a database for online resources with automatically generated navigation interface. It can be used to create and manage online courses. We will demonstrate the functionality of this system and discuss future developments.

Particular emphasis will be placed on interactively administered and graded homework assignments, multiple representations of knowledge, and ways to customize the learning experience for each individual student.

We will also discuss our experiences with offering a virtual university introductory physics course with large enrollment (300 students) and show some comparative studies on the learning outcomes.

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