Dear colleague, If you want to make a contribution to the Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Multimedia in Physics Teaching and Learning, Vienna, 8-10 October, we want to remind you that the deadline is next Friday, July 21, 2000. The Proceedings will consist of extended abstracts not exceeding one page of length on a CD-ROM. It would be great if you could contribute also an extended abstract according to the following form and send it to If you want to make a contribution please fill in the text between all < > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Title of contribution: < > Author(s): < > Affiliation(s): < > Text of contribution: < > If necessary please attach .gif or .jpeg pictures and indicate the position in the text via using the filename. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Heinz Oberhummer Institute of Nuclear Physics Technische Univ. Wien Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10 A-1040 WIEN Austria E-mail: Tel: +43/1/58801-14251 office +43/1/58801-14256 secretary +43/676/4123409 handy Fax: +43/1/58801-14299